RODA is the national Romanian institution specialised in archiving electronic data collections obtained by social research.
The archive contains data collections accessible for the academic community and the interested public, for secondary and comparative analysis, under certain access conditions ranging from free access to some level of restriction imposed by owners.
The main goal of the data archive is to preserve these data indefinitely, and to serve as an intermediary between the data owners and data users.
RODA is integrated into a global archive network, being affiliated since February 2002 to CESSDA (Council of European Social Science Data Archives) and since December 2002 to IFDO (International Federation of Data Organisations). By these links, international data exchanges are enabled; through RODA, users have access to national and international datasets from other European data archives.
In december 2013, CESSDA has become an ERIC - European Research Infrastructure Consortium, a research entity considered a pan-European priority, located in Bergen, Norway. Since our IT system has been recently upgraded, RODA is prepared to inter-operate with this new institution.
RODA is now organised an institutional consortium, governed by the University of Bucharest, the National Institute of Statistics and the Institute for Quality of Life Research of the Romanian Academy of Sciences.