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RODA overview

The Romanian Social Data Archive was set in 2001 as a national level development of the ICCV database department, in a joint project with University of Bucharest, Sociology Department.

The Archive was created in order to support and impel the quantitative research based on secondary and comparative analyses. The Archive manages an electronic data collection and the relevant documentation, coordinates new data acquisitions from various sources and ensures unrestricted access to public data.

The initiative of building this data archive began in 1996, with a CNCSIS grant coordonated by prof. Catalin Zamfir and conf. Poliana Stefanescu. The project was continuated with an initiation World Bank grant, director prof. Ioan Marginean, and with a CNCSIS grant coordinated by lector Lucian Pop. Since 2002, the program coordinator is Adrian Dusa, continuing the project with an INFOSOC financing.
We thank the ICCV coleagues who, over the years, have contributed to preparing the archive and the data sets: Manuela Stanculescu, Iuliana Precupetu, Narcisa Tambrea, Ana Maria Preoteasa, Malina Voicu, Bogdan Voicu.

RODA adds value to every set of data by cleaning, documenting and creating backups, thus avoiding the risks of losing or damaging the data.

The Archive keeps a close contact with data suppliers and researchers in order to find out about any new data sets, information management techniques and computer technologies.

The RODA data collection is mainly based on the ICCV databases, but it also includes data obtained from other research institutions, and collecting as many data sets as possible from all Romanian research institutions is our very purpose.

The Archive grants support in locating variables, data sets and documentations, depending on the individual needs of the researchers, students and professors. The users are welcome to contact the archive's personnel in order to identify the research interests and select the appropriate data for specific research projects.